हालका सूचना

दलित जन कल्याण युवा क्लब लहान–१०
Dalit Jana Kalyan Yuba Club Lahan-10 Siraha
033 - 561299

The Beacon Project Report 2023-024

१३ मंसिर २०८१, बिहिवार

Between April 2023 and March 2024, The Beacon Project continued to drive progress towards universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in the Lahan Municipality in southeastern Nepal. All of the partners – Anglian Water (and its alliance partners), WaterAid, the Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC) and the Lahan Municipality – have continued to be steered by ‘The Beacon Project Co-Creation Strategy’, which is split into five separate outcomes: (1) Water security (2) Safe clean water (3) Sanitation with dignity (4) Sustainable faecal sludge management and (5) A legacy that grows. This report is structured to consider how project interventions and activities during 2023/24 have contributed to each of these outcomes. Highlights of 2023/24: NWSC Lahan extended its service area with a satellite network in Lahan Ward 24. An additional 2,396 people from 400 different Dalit households have access to safe water from the NWSC connection. Two additional boreholes were drilled in the southern areas of the NWSC Lahan supply network. 136 people from 20 Dalit households have access to sanitation with the construction of one community toilet at Ward 22. 889 new tap connections to the NWSC Lahan network. Over 1,500 more students now have access to clean water in their school. An additional 6,600 Nearly 2,400 students attended a course of six hygiene behaviour sessions with topics including safe clean water, handwashing and menstrual health. Two international conferences attended to disseminate learning about the project. visitors at a health care facility now have clean water and safe sanitation services. Lahan supply network now functioning for an average of 10 hours every day. Over 22km of water distribution pipeline was installed Over 1,100 more students now have renovated toilets in their school. 432 from 5 Dalit communities participated in a six-session hygiene behaviour change program. The Beacon Project continues to be a world-leading example of how the transition towards universal access to safe and affordable WASH services can be driven at regional scale (as required by the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda). 3 The Beacon Project Annual Report April 2023 – March 2024 2. Introduction The United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda stipulates that everyone should have access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation services by 2030. Based on the latest figures from the Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) in 2022, only 16% of people in Nepal use safely managed drinking water services, while 51% have safely managed sanitation facilities. Like so many countries around the world, Nepal urgently requires transformative and rapidly scalable initiatives which will accelerate the transition towards universal water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services. The Beacon Project aims to be such an initiative by driving this transition in a specific geographic context – the town of Lahan in southeastern Nepal. The project is 15-year collaborative commitment between WaterAid, Anglian Water (a UK water company), the Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC) and the Lahan Municipality. All partners contribute funding, knowledge and experience to drive project activities. As such, Anglian Water (and their industrial Alliance partners) are not just donors – they channel relevant technical and strategic expertise in response to the stated requirements of the NWSC and other local partners. In fact, financial contributions to project activities have evolved across the project’s lifetime and now the majority comes from the Nepalese partners. The project also has other collaborating partners, including with the Nepalese Ministry of Water Supply and local NGO ‘Dalit Jankalyan Yuba Club’ (DJKYC). The Beacon Project is structured into five separate work packages, the first four of which are: (1) Water security (2) Safe clean water (3) Sanitation with dignity and (4) Sustainable faecal sludge management.. In each of these, the project seeks to improve both the technical and institutional capacity of institutional providers for delivering safe, inclusive and sustainable WASH services. Technical capacity is improved through the collaborative design and installation of urgently needed infrastructure (borehole wells, pipelines, community toilets, a water quality laboratory, a faecal sludge treatment plant etc.). Institutional capacity is improved through the identification and addressing of key institutional requirements (business plans, asset maintenance regimes, standard operating procedures etc.). The fifth work package – ‘A legacy that grows’ – ensures that the project disseminates the knowledge accumulated in Lahan, thereby driving the widescale transition towards universal WASH in other contexts. As such, the project already has numerous examples of influencing wider change in WASH providers across Nepal (e.g., borehole drilling specifications). The Beacon Project is demonstrating how, through long-term collaborative commitment to improving the technical and institutional capacity of WASH service providers, to bring about sustainable and impactful changes in the living standards of society’s most impoverished communities

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