हालका सूचना

दलित जन कल्याण युवा क्लब लहान–१०
Dalit Jana Kalyan Yuba Club Lahan-10 Siraha
033 - 561299

Organization Background

Dalit Jan–Kalyan Youth Club (DJKYC) is a non-government organization (NGOO) established in 2000 by Dalits at Gudigaon, ward No. 10 of Lahan Municipality, Siraha. It has been continuously implementing Dalit Empowerment Programs since its establishment. DJKYC is working to empower and organize Dalit women and youths through right-based advocacy campaigns, groups/network formation, discussion, interaction, training, workshop, protest rally  for ensuring rights and justice of Dalits. The main focused areas of DJKYC are awareness raising and advocacy for Dalit and WASH rights for access to justice, economic empowerment and wash friendly community through skill development, Social mobilization and mobilization micro-finance activities. It has been affiliated in SWC (social welfare council) at 2001 and Eastern Region Dalit NGO federation (DNF) at 2003. 

 Values of Organization

  1.  Faith in the rule of law
  2. Accountability and Transparency 
  3. Advocacy for backward community 
  4. Impartiality
  5. Common campaign in common issues
  6. Human Based Approach working system
  7. Good governance and transparency 
  8. Voluntary spirit
  9. Credibility
  10. Positive thinking 
  11. Participatory working system
  12. Solidarity of rightsholders issues 

Working Thematic sectors

  1.  Women Right
  2.  Education
  3.  Livelihood 
  4. Disaster management
  5. Child Right
  6. Advocacy 
  7. Dalit Right 
  8. Climate change

प्रतिलिपि अधिकार © सबै अधिकार सुरक्षित छन् ।
डिजाइन र विकास टेकवेयर प्रा. लि. द्वारा गरिएको.